钱玉忠,男,1991年8月生,博士,副研究员。2020.7-2021.-7南昌大学讲师;2021.7-至今 合肥综合性国家科学中心能源研究院。
1. EAST放电过程中硼粉实时注入抑制I型边界局域模的模拟研究(12105135) 国家青年科学基金项目 30万 负责人 2022.01-2024.12
2. EAST中超声分子束注入缓解I型边界局域模的模拟研究(2021BAB211025) 省自然科学基金青年项目 10万 负责人 2022.1. -2024.12.
[1] Y. Z. Qian, et al., Simulation of supersonic molecular beam injection fueling into H-mode plasmas on EAST using BOUT++, Physics of Plasmas 27, 012501 (2020).
[2] Y. Z. Qian, et al., The generation of sub-millimeter lithium granules from liquid Jet for magnetic fusion applications, Fusion Engineering and Design 148, 111299 (2019).
[3] Y. Z. Qian, et al., Modified dust-acoustic waves in dusty plasmas with Lennard-Jones potential, Astrophys Space Sci. 359, 53 (2015).
[4] Y. Z. Qian, et al, Dust-acoustic waves in self-gravitating dusty plasmas with Lorentzian electrons and ions, Physica Scripta 90, 045602 (2015).
[5] Y. Z. Qian, et al, Modified Jeans instability in Lorentzian dusty self-gravitating plasmas with Lennard-Jones potential, Physics of Plasmas 21, 113703 (2014).
[6] Z Sun, Y. Z. Qian, et al., Type-I ELM mitigation by continuous lithium granule gravitational injection into the upper tungsten divertor in EAST, Nuclear Fusion 61, 066022 (2021).
[7] T. B. Ouyang, Y. Z. Qian, et al., Design and construction of magnetic diagnostics on Nanchang spherical tokamak, AIP Advances 12, 015314 (2022)
[8] M. Hou, Y. Z. Qian, et al., Design of power supply system for the Nanchang Spherical Tokamak, AIP Advances 12, 025106 (2022).
1. 一种测量杂质弹丸大小及注入频率的方法及装置 发明专利 授权
2. 一种用于真空阀门密封面抗粉尘污染的装置及方法 发明专利 授权
3. ICP加速器中子源多功能控制系统 软件著作 授权